htmlproc.cpp(114) : Assertion failure:
(too old to reply)
2008-09-30 16:55:49 UTC
I need some assistance trouble-shooting a compile problem.

I'm using RoboHelp for FrameMaker with FM 7.0. I had to get a new
computer, so I had to install RHF; however, Adobe said that their
activation server was down so I couldn't activate it. Finally Adobe
send a new .exe that by-passes the activation script.

I opened projects that I had been compiling successfully since 2004,
and they all crash with this error on the new computer (XP sp2).

HHA Version 4.74.8702
htmlproc.cpp(114) : Assertion failure: (pszTmp == m_pCompiler-
Log of where the new computer stops:
Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702

Compiling c:\00Text_v13_3Tax_User\v13_3Tax_User_RHF\Output

_Temp__TempKeywords.hhk (crashes here)

Log of my backup computer (XP sp2) that continues to compile the Help
projects successfully.

Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702

Compiling c:\v13_3Tax_User\v13_3Tax_User_RHF\Output

_Temp__TempTOC.hhc (don't see this above)
_Temp__TempKeywords.hhk (new computer crashes here)
MBUsersTOC_-_A._Sage_Master_Builder_Features1371.htm (continues to the
end successfully)

I don't know if I've got a bad .exe file from Adobe or if there is
something amiss with my new computer.

Does anyone have any suggestions for fixing this problem (besides
moving away from RHF which I'll have to do eventually)

Thanks and regards,
Rob Chandler [MVP]
2008-10-01 00:58:17 UTC
Hi Charlie

Some thoughts...
This error seems related to strings. HHA.dll is the MS HH Compile engine

1. There is a limit on string length with HH
So try again but relocating the project folders and its files from
down to a shorter path like
and see if that improves things.

2. You could check if the MS Compiler DLLs and the Runtime DLLs are the
same on both PCs.
This free app will spit out a log the lists the main DLLs -- Run on each
PC and compare

back to you for now.
Post by c***@gmail.com
I need some assistance trouble-shooting a compile problem.
I'm using RoboHelp for FrameMaker with FM 7.0. I had to get a new
computer, so I had to install RHF; however, Adobe said that their
activation server was down so I couldn't activate it. Finally Adobe
send a new .exe that by-passes the activation script.
I opened projects that I had been compiling successfully since 2004,
and they all crash with this error on the new computer (XP sp2).
HHA Version 4.74.8702
htmlproc.cpp(114) : Assertion failure: (pszTmp == m_pCompiler-
Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702
Compiling c:\00Text_v13_3Tax_User\v13_3Tax_User_RHF\Output
_Temp__TempKeywords.hhk (crashes here)
Log of my backup computer (XP sp2) that continues to compile the Help
projects successfully.
Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702
Compiling c:\v13_3Tax_User\v13_3Tax_User_RHF\Output
_Temp__TempTOC.hhc (don't see this above)
_Temp__TempKeywords.hhk (new computer crashes here)
MBUsersTOC_-_A._Sage_Master_Builder_Features1371.htm (continues to the
end successfully)
I don't know if I've got a bad .exe file from Adobe or if there is
something amiss with my new computer.
Does anyone have any suggestions for fixing this problem (besides
moving away from RHF which I'll have to do eventually)
Thanks and regards,
2008-11-20 12:21:00 UTC
I use a ***@manual for write a help file. Now we move project from WinHelp
to HtmlHelp. I have this problem too. What is included in string limit lenght
? I need to make some changes, this is ok, but I donĀ“t know how mutch changes
in my help project is needed. What I need to check ?
2009-01-23 09:13:01 UTC
Hi charlie

I wonder if you can help. We also use Robohelp for Framemaker and although
we are trying to push through a replacement authoring tool, I still need
Robohelp for Framemaker to update any previous streams of our documentation.
I am having an absolute nightmare with Adobe at the moment as I've been
trying to install Robohelp for Framemaker on a new PC and am unable to
activate it. Adobe technical support were utterly useless and tried to put us
through to their sales department to try and sell us an upgrade. Could you
possibly let me know how you managed to get a new .exe out of them? (any
contact names, phone numbers for the relevant bods at Adobe would be very
useful) I have contacted our legal team and we are legally supposed to be
able to use our license for as long as we want but they also said Adobe were
unlikely to act on anything they do.

I'd really appreciate any help/information as it feels a bit like I'm
banging my head against a brick wall with Adobe at the moment!

many thanks
Post by c***@gmail.com
I need some assistance trouble-shooting a compile problem.
I'm using RoboHelp for FrameMaker with FM 7.0. I had to get a new
computer, so I had to install RHF; however, Adobe said that their
activation server was down so I couldn't activate it. Finally Adobe
send a new .exe that by-passes the activation script.
I opened projects that I had been compiling successfully since 2004,
and they all crash with this error on the new computer (XP sp2).
HHA Version 4.74.8702
htmlproc.cpp(114) : Assertion failure: (pszTmp == m_pCompiler-
Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702
Compiling c:\00Text_v13_3Tax_User\v13_3Tax_User_RHF\Output
_Temp__TempKeywords.hhk (crashes here)
Log of my backup computer (XP sp2) that continues to compile the Help
projects successfully.
Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702
Compiling c:\v13_3Tax_User\v13_3Tax_User_RHF\Output
_Temp__TempTOC.hhc (don't see this above)
_Temp__TempKeywords.hhk (new computer crashes here)
MBUsersTOC_-_A._Sage_Master_Builder_Features1371.htm (continues to the
end successfully)
I don't know if I've got a bad .exe file from Adobe or if there is
something amiss with my new computer.
Does anyone have any suggestions for fixing this problem (besides
moving away from RHF which I'll have to do eventually)
Thanks and regards,